Triple E achieves Made in Britain accreditation
As a designer and manufacturer of technical equipment for over 30 years Triple E has been a byword for quality of design and dependable products.

Our almost entirely UK-based supply chain has always been a key factor in our ability to deliver products and projects to time, to budget, and to a known standard. The respected Made in Britain logo campaign has helped to reinvigorate the public's knowledge of products that are manufactured in the UK, providing lower carbon footprints within logistics, reliable customer service, and a benchmark for quality.
To qualify Triple E had to provide evidence of where and how our products were made and assembled, with the key being that at least 80% of the value chain was based in the UK.
With our commitment to providing the very best quality product, traceability for the materials used, and in line with our green and modern slavery company policies, we achieved a 93% UK-based value chain, far exceeding the requirement to qualify.
Triple E now proudly takes its place in displaying the admired Made in Britain logo as part of our company branding, further cementing our reputation for dependable quality and innovation.