Popular applications for Modular Structural Systems by Triple E Ltd.
What can you create?

Staging & Exhibitions
With a history of excellence in the world of theatre, Triple E knows all about the creation of scenery and performance venues. The design requires something that cannot be done with scaffold legs every 4ft, or you need a stage that can easily transform shape or use.
Triple E Modular Structural Systems are easy to attach scenery to, such as, false building fronts; create scenic trucks from, add motorised elements to and can be finished in a range of colours to tie into crisp, modern corporate colour schemes or disappear into the background.
Find out how you can support scenery and staging, create multi-tiered exhibition stands, pavilions and other entertainment facilities.

Work Platforms and Access
Do you need to access work areas and projects safely and efficiently? Perhaps you need a temporary staircase to gain access into a building or ship? Or a production line for heavy industry that maximises your time working rather than moving platforms? Or even a bridge or suspended deck.
Our designs maximise your efficiency and have the unique ability to break down into individual components for reuse elsewhere and for easy location into difficult sites.

Modular Building
The brilliance of out modular systems is the ease with which you can transform it into almost any project. With a track record of portable buildings using our easy-fit curtain wall systems, hard or soft walled buildings can be constructed that far exceed the specs of standard marquee type structures. Multi-story, integrated lifting points, air conditioned or heated spaces, full specification studio spaces and even technical workshops are all possible.
Complete kits can be shipped to location in a sea container and then integrate with it to create location services suitable for everyone, from a festival bar company to the military.
View our Modular Structural Systems for all project solutions below

Build it with BEEEM™
The metric, Modular Structural System with toy-like simplicity, designed and manufactured in Britain.

Make it with ModTruss®
The original, aluminium, imperial modular building system for multiple industries.
Contact Us
For all your requirements, contact us now to discuss your project specifications.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1959 570 333 Email: [email protected]